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Turning Membership Engagement Data into Effective Marketing

Creating cohesive, concise, and intriguing campaigns can be a challenge. Getting your members to interact with this information can prove to be even more difficult, resulting in a daunting and time-consuming effort for your staff. However, this does not have to be the case   Your AMS (Association Management Software) constantly captures valuable data points […]

How Associations Benefit with Microsoft Blog Series: Outlook

Enable end-to-end capabilities between Microsoft Office and your Microsoft CRM. Why Altai Systems, built within the Microsoft Power Platform is the right fit for associations. Email has changed our lives. And while it can be a distraction, it’s also where a lot of work gets done. Consider how often we’ve all walked out of a […]

How Associations Benefit with Microsoft Blog Series: Power Automate

Why a system built on the Microsoft Platform is the right fit for associations. We’re introducing a new series about Microsoft features and how Altai Systems has adapted them for associations. Automate the Mundane. Altai champions this phrase to all of our prospects and clients. So do lots of other people based on how many […]

How Associations Benefit with Microsoft Blog Series: Teams

Why a system built on the Microsoft Platform is the right fit for associations. We’re introducing a new series about Microsoft features and how Altai Systems has adapted them for associations. Odds are that you – or someone close to you – is using Teams. That may not have been the case 18 months ago. […]