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Why a system built on the Microsoft Platform is the right fit for associations.

We’re introducing a new series about Microsoft features and how Altai Systems has adapted them for associations.power automate logo

Automate the Mundane. Altai champions this phrase to all of our prospects and clients. So do lots of other people based on how many hits you get when googling the phrase. But what does it really mean? And how can it help associations and you move your mission forward, better serve your members, and help your career development? Altai talks about automating the mundane because not only do we think that technology frees you to spend time on directly serving your members, but it also opens up new opportunities to leverage the system you’re using in new and different ways.

So how can you turn your repetitive tasks into automation that works for you? Microsoft has solved this by using low-code/no-code technology that can not only automate your tasks but make you a citizen developer! Really, that’s just a fancy way of saying that it’s built with the user in mind. Just as you want to be productive by automating these repetitive tasks, you also want to be productive without waiting for resources to build your automation. Microsoft’s Power Automate uses “flows” to make it happen. A Flow puts the proper steps in place to determine what happens during the automation process.

  • Event-Driven Flows. Do you want to create an automatic update to a member’s record when they update their job title in LinkedIn? Do you want to automatically forward an email to the right department? Event-Driven Flows are designed to be trigger or time-based so you can set it and forget it.
  • Business Process Flows. These are flows designed to guide you through a process. Are there repeated steps you follow to save a canceling member? Creating a business process flow will guide any staff to follow your win-back process to save the member. By having the system lead you through the steps, your staff can be confident the most effective steps are being taken.
  • Desktop Flows. Do you have a process that is unique to you or a small group of staff? Documenting processes are important but time-consuming and often get de-prioritized. With Desktop Flows, you can record your actions for the flow to be triggered to repeat those actions.

Altai uses each of these flows to make Altai’s Association Business Platform your Association’s Platform. By building on Microsoft’s Power Platform, we’re able to leverage the latest technology tools to keep our functionality up to date – and to future-proof your solution. And best of all, Power Automate is now free with Windows 11.

Contact us to learn more about how we can incorporate Altai and Microsoft’s functionality into your Association.