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5 Tips for Choosing an AMS System: Insights from Reggie Henry, ASAE

May 1st, 2023 By Chris Laskey As associations grow and expand their membership base, managing member data can become a daunting task. That’s where AMS (Association Management System) software comes in – it can help associations manage their membership data, events, and other functions. But how do you choose the right AMS system for your association? During the ASAE Demo Days introduction, Reggie Henry, Chief Information and Performance Excellence Officer at ASAE, shared his insights on how to choose an AMS system that works best for your organization.  1. Outline your requirements and prioritize them  Before you start evaluating AMS systems, it’s important to outline your requirements. What do you need the AMS system to do? What features are essential, and what are nice-to-haves? Once you have a list of requirements, prioritize them. This will help you focus on the most important features when evaluating different AMS systems.  2. Develop a script for your demos  When evaluating different AMS systems, it’s important to have a consistent approach. One way to do this is to develop a script for your demos. This script should be based on the priority of your requirements. For example, if online transactions are a top priority, make sure you allow enough time in the script to explore this feature. This will help you compare different AMS systems more effectively.    3. Consider your members’ needs  AMS systems are designed to help you manage your relationship with your members. It’s important to consider your members’ needs when evaluating different AMS systems. What features will help your members get the most value from your association? For example, if your members attend conferences, they may want to be able to connect with other attendees from their area. Make sure the AMS system you choose can support these needs.    4. Minimize customizations  Customizations can be tempting, but they can also be a double-edged sword. While they can help you tailor the AMS system to your specific needs, they can also make it harder to upgrade the software in the future. In general, it’s best to minimize customizations and stick to the out-of-the-box functionality as much as possible. This will make it easier to upgrade the software and avoid costly customizations.  5. Focus on what gets done, not how it’s done  Finally, it’s important to focus on what gets done, not how it’s done. Don’t get bogged down in the details of how a particular feature works. Instead, focus on the end result – does the feature help you achieve your goals? Too often, associations get caught up in the minutiae of how things are done and end up with over-customized software that is hard to maintain. Instead, focus on the big picture and choose an AMS system that helps you achieve your goals.  In conclusion, choosing the right AMS system can be a complex process. However, by outlining your requirements, developing a script for your demos, considering your members’ needs, minimizing customizations, and focusing on what gets done, you can make an informed decision that will help your association manage its membership data more effectively.   Selecting the right AMS can be an overwhelming process. We’re here for you! Need more information? Look at Altai’s Buyers Guide for in-depth guidance, information, tips, and tricks on making an informed decision on selecting your association’s next AMS.   

Five Reasons Associations choose Altai and Microsoft Dynamics 365

February 15th, 2023 By Admin   Association Management Systems (AMS) have been a staple of the industry for many years, providing organizations with a centralized platform for managing member data, events, finances, and more. However, traditional AMS platforms are often limited in their capabilities and struggle to keep pace with the evolving needs of modern associations. That’s where Altai Systems comes in. As an AMS platform built in Dynamics 365, Altai Systems is revolutionizing how associations manage their operations. In this blog, we’ll explore a few key differences between Altai Systems and traditional AMS platforms and why Altai Systems is the future of association management.   Flexibility and Scalability  Altai Systems is an app within Dynamics 365. This provides associations with a highly flexible and scalable platform that can easily be customized to meet the unique needs of each association. With Altai Systems, associations can add new features, integrations, and configurations as they grow. This can all be done while remaining on the upgrade path and without being held back by rigid and inflexible systems. Seamless Integration with Other Technologies    One of the biggest challenges with traditional AMS platforms is integration with other systems and tools. Since Altai Systems is a Dynamics 365 application, it works seamlessly with other Microsoft technologies, such as Office 365, Teams, and SharePoint, as well as integrates easily with third-party tools such as marketing automation platforms and payment gateways. This allows associations to streamline their operations and work more efficiently. Intuitive User Experience Altai Systems is designed to be user-friendly, with a modern and intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to access the information and tools they need. This not only saves time but also reduces the risk of errors and improves the overall user experience. Improved Data Management   Altai Systems includes robust data management capabilities, with a centralized database that can store and manage all member information in one place. This makes it easier to access and analyze data, streamline processes, and make data-driven decisions.  In conclusion, Altai Systems is a Dynamics 365 AMS that offers associations a flexible, scalable, and integrated solution for managing their operations. With Altai Systems, associations can improve their member experience, work more efficiently, and make data-driven decisions that drive growth and success. Don’t settle for a traditional AMS – upgrade to Altai Systems and experience the future of association management today. 

The Pros and Cons of the RFP process

  September 29th, 2022 By Chris Laskey In our recent joint Webinar, Altai’s Beth Power and Achurch Consulting Tammy Marko came together for a roundtable discussion on the RFP process. In today’s Market, countless Association Management Software (AMS) vendors are each promising to deliver the best solution for your organization. Navigating your way through selecting a new vendor can be daunting. Hearing the truth about the process from industry experts can help you better prepare and move forward with this process.   What is an RFP?   An association that is searching for new AMS software may issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) to each prospective AMS vendor. What are your system considerations? What needs are being unmet by your current AMS? An RFP can help you answer these questions. Typically, an RFP includes:    Background Information    Detailed description and goals of the project   Specific Requirements of Project (Budget, Systems, Materials)  Project timeline and deadline   Project deliverables, specifications, and questions    Evaluation criteria of RFPS   The document outlines what the organization is looking to achieve with its new software. Along with this, the RFP asks for detailed information on the perspective vendor’s systems ability to meet requirements. An RFP can help an organization understand the strengths and weaknesses of its organization while providing a framework for managing the selection of new software.    Do You Even Need an RFP?    RFPs allow associations to create and understand their feature assessment list to inform the selection process. The featured assessment could be from how you do events to changing address types, it is one of the most important aspects of an RFP. So, whether it is in the traditional term of an RFP, you still need to determine what your basic guard rails of what you are looking for in an AMS are.    While not all associations require an RFP, many require it under association policy. From a consulting perspective, RFPs are always encouraged to better understand needs. A detailed RFP can be leveraged in the discovery period because a lot of the legwork is already done! Along with this, RFP can help with understanding what anticipated costs might look like. Whichever way you proceed, make sure to check your by-laws to ensure that the decisions you are making align with them    Should You Use a Consultant?    The role of a consultant can address many different facets of the RFP process. Think of a consultant as an extension of your staff, they are here to help you and make your life easier. Consultants can:   Help walk you through the process.    Maybe you haven’t selected a new AMS in a long time –or maybe ever! Consultants can help you navigate your way through this process all the way to the down selecting process.    Save your association time.   Consultants know that staff are already busy with their job responsibilities. A consultant taking charge of time-consuming tasks such as writing the RFP and responding to vendors will allow more time for staff to be focused on day-to-day operations.    Understand your association from a technological perspective.   Consultants can help Identify where your challenges are, what your needs are, and other higher-level requirements.    Going Into an RFP…   Communication is essential when beginning the RFP process. Selecting an AMS is not just an IT selection. A new AMS affects every department of an organization therefore It’s important to consider everyone who plays a role in your organization. It’s important to consider who is going to be responsible for making the decision. Talk with your team before to understand:    What features you are looking for   Your pain points- and how a new AMS could help.   What your customers and staff are asking for    Focus on a core team consisting of liaisons from each of the functional areas of your organization. Ensure that the team stays part of the process, don’t be afraid to lean on them on every part of the process. Engage with staff and volunteers throughout the process.    A new AMS system can change many aspects of your organization structure, make sure to engage staff involved throughout the process to alleviate stress.     How to Construct a Good RFP   Here’s the thing: we all know that most systems are going to address the basic responsibilities of an AMS. While checking the boxes is important, asking too generic questions isn’t necessarily going to narrow down the selection of your vendor.    Instead of asking Generic Yes/No questions, asking how or why can help you better distinguish vendors from another. Along with this, Tell the vendor why you need specific functionality to help the vendor distinguish YOU from other clients.    Tip: Write the narrative or scenario that you need to be solved by an AMS. Not only does this frame the conversation, but also can be used in the future for the Vendor for user stories.   Comparing Apples to Oranges    So, you got your RFP responses back. What now? Comparing vendors can be tricky and can sometimes feel like comparing apples to oranges.    When reviewing an RFP response, if you don’t have the specific details of how a vendor will achieve what you want them to- It’s okay. If you feel confident in their ability to achieve your goals, it is perfectly okay to proceed with them.    So, What’s Next?   Demos   After the RFP process, you’ve narrowed down your selections to the vendors that best fit your needs. Next is the demo phase of selecting new CRM software for your organization. Until the very end of the process, it’s essential to have your core team a part of the whole process, including demos.      Scorecards   Using scorecards when comparing vendors throughout the entire RFP process can be helpful. While using a data-driven approach narrowing down the selection can certainly be effective.    Down selecting    After seeing all the demos, using your scorecards and other selection methods you will be able to narrow down your selection to your finalists. Having a thorough discussion with your core team will allow you to determine what vendor will suit

Why Associations Should Choose a CRM

For years – decades even – associations have managed their customers using an Association Management System. Vendors rightly saw a niche audience and built proprietary tools to address the specific needs of a membership organization, which was great. Associations do have specific needs. And with over 20,000 associations in the US alone, there’s a rich market for companies to serve those needs. But technology has come a long way since the first AMS was built. And associations have too. While associations benefit from doing mission-driven work to serve their members, the public, and the common good, they’re also running a business. The common phrase “non-profit is a tax status, not a business model” has become more relevant than ever, with the increasingly common expectation from members to receive the same customer experience they get in their everyday life. Associations want to deliver that and more. That’s where a CRM comes in. Let’s break that down.”  Customer – You serve members. And that member is consuming a product or service that you produce. And you want to track things about that customer. Contact information. Demographic information. Relationship – Does your member work for an organization? Does your member belong to committees? Your member doesn’t exist in a vacuum. You want to know how your members relate to you, each other, and the products and services you provide. Management – Whether someone is joining, buying, or registering, you want to manage that experience. You want to keep track of it for fulfillment and reporting and serving that customer. The real benefit is what happens when you put that all together. Customer Relationship Management is greater than the sum of its parts. Because a CRM is built to use more than just what you’ve been told, it’s designed to give you context, to analyze those interactions with your members, predict trends, personalize content, and seamlessly connect to how you talk to your members. A CRM puts the member first – and recognizes that the member’s experience is a journey. One that you hope to nurture for a lifetime. And a CRM is built to be by your side through it all. Altai Systems is also by your side. We bring the CRM to you – without sacrificing those AMS-specific features that make you unique. Altai has the AMS functionality and the CRM functionality – all built within the Microsoft Dynamics Platform. We know CRMs. You should too. Let us show you what our platform can do for you.