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RFP Pitfalls to Avoid

The RFP process can be stressful. In great part because you know it’s the start of a big change for your association. You’re likely ready to embark on a system implementation or upgrade and the RFP is the necessary step in that process. But…is it?  Some associations need to do an RFP because it’s built into their procurement or is a general counsel-directed policy. […]

Thinking of Switching your AMS? Preparing For Change

Your current AMS has stopped meeting your needs and you’re ready for a change. Time to write an RFP and implement a new system, right? Sure. That will get you a new system. But will you be more successful than you are now? Are you preparing for what a change can do for you, your members, and your future?  […]

Top 10 Ten Reasons Why Associations are Switching to Altai Systems

Since 2007, Altai Systems has been focused on association management software. Today we believe the historical AMS is too limiting and associations are best served using robust association-specific functionality built within the Microsoft 365 business platform. This means the tools you’ll use to manage your association allow you access to some of the best business tools available AND allow you the flexibility to incorporate technology you’re already using and love, directly into that platform. This provides your association not only what’s important […]